Leverage Data
Gain Insight
Make Better Decisions

Cloud leaders are seeing tangible benefits from their cloud adaptations with substantial increases in additional revenues and cost savings, which according to a Gartner report “have been largely the result of sales of new products and services, gaining new customers faster, or accelerated ability to sell into new markets.” While the benefits of a well-articulated cloud strategy are clear, developing such a strategy is not a trivial exercise and requires systematic thinking.

According to studies, most companies utilize less than 5% of the data they create and collect in operational data stores – making them truly “data rich” but “knowledge poor”.

At Analytic Edge, we believe in making our clients successful through self-sufficiency, knowledge transfer and giving you an Analytic Edge. We do this by offering real-world curriculums for administrators, analysts and business users- allowing you to achieve break-through performance all while maximizing your investment. Our goal is to effectively teach the power of Business Analytics, so you can achieve ultimate performance and success. Contact Analytic Edge for all you analytics training.